Home AdventuresU.S.A. Exploring the Valley of Fire in the Moapa Valley, NV

Exploring the Valley of Fire in the Moapa Valley, NV

by Bryan Lor

Trip Date: August 9th-14th, 2018

After hanging out at the Hoover Dam, our next stop was north at the Valley of Fire.  To get there, you eventually have to take a small road off the interstate.  This road would seem like it goes on for forever into the middle of nowhere until you’re finally greeted by the gate at the beginning of the park.  The landscape, especially the rock structures that jut out of the ground in various shades of red and orange, look like something out of a sci-fi movie.  The sun wasn’t beating down on us as we hid behind the rock structures during our hikes, but the heat still tagged along with us.

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